Sicav Fonds. Morgan stanley investment funds. It is similar to an open ended mutual fund in the united states while a sociedad de inversión de capital fijo or société d investissement à capital fixe sicaf is similar to a closed end fund.
Also the cssf will need to approve the constitutive documents of the fund its directors the management regulations and other issues before the fund is created. Sicav sicaf fcp sicar fis. Accordingly institutional investors and relevant persons as defined under the laws of singapore are eligible to apply for shares of such sub funds.
Finding your way is easier than it might seem at first glance.
What is société d investissement à capital variable sicav. It is similar to an open ended mutual fund in the united states while a sociedad de inversión de capital fijo or société d investissement à capital fixe sicaf is similar to a closed end fund. The sicav fund is a company limited by shares and thus is a legal entity. What is société d investissement à capital variable sicav.